Home HF-SSB & VHF Tactical Barrett Communications  |  Interoperability


Line-of-sight to over-the-horizon tactical communications

Whether trying to connect with other squads in the field or make contact with headquarters thousands of kilometres away, tactical operations require both long and short range communications. HF and VHF radio match these applications as each system uses different transmission signals that suit its required communications span. 

But tactical operators also need to be able to switch between ranges when required. Switching between communication ranges is vital as it means in-the-field operators can receive orders from headquarters as and when needed, and relay them to other teams nearby.

Barrett Communications offers the equipment key that is connecting HF equipment to VHF transceivers. 

PRC-2090 RFDS – HF Rapid Field Deployment System

AC Mains and/or DC power deployment system

2063 HF-VHF Cross Gate

Fully automated switching