Designed to operate in high interference environments
The ePMP Force 300-19 is designed to operate in high interference environments and provides superior throughput up to 600 Mbps of real user data and supports channel sizes from 20 MHz up to 80 MHz and modulations up to 256QAM.
Service providers face ever-increasing demand for capacity in a limited amount of spectrum. The Force 300 series of subscriber modules (SM) meets this demand offering high performance and low latency across both point-to-multipoint and point-to-point deployments.
Channel Spacing: Configurable in 5 MHz increments
Frequency Range: Wide Band Operation 4910 - 5970 MHz (Note: Allowable frequencies and bands are dictated by individual country regulations.)
Channel Width: 20 / 40 / 80
ARQ: Yes
Nominal Receive Sensitivity (w/FEC) @20 MHz Channel: MCS0 = -89 dBm to MCS8 (256 QAM-3/4) = -68 dBm (per chain)
Nominal Receive Sensitivity (w/FEC) @40 MHz Channel: MCS0 = -87 dBm to MCS9 (256 QAM-5/6) = -66 dBm (per chain)
Nominal Receive Sensitivity (w/FEC) @80 MHz Channel: MCS0 = -84 dBm to MCS9 (256 QAM-5/6) = -61 dBm (per chain)
Modulation Levels (Adaptive): MCS0(BPSK) to MCS9 (256 QAM-5/6)
Transmit Power Range: 0 to +28 dBm (combined up to the regioanl EIRP limit) (1 dB interval)
Encryption: 128-bit AES (CCMP mode)
FCCID: Z8H89FT0048
Industry Canada Cert: 109W-0048
CE: EN 301 893 V2.1.1 (5.4 GHz), EN 302 502 V2.1.1 (5.8 GHz)**
Purpose-built Wireless Transport for Video Surveillance / CCTV
High Performance, Scalability and Reliability
Ultra-high performance and cost-effective fixed wireless broadband connectivity platform